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Services Offered include:

one on one


After the screening process approves the clients’ placement to an Outpatient program for the
treatment of the diagnosed issue, the client will be referred to either, a medical detoxification, a
Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Assessment, medical examination, and a psychiatric evaluation. In
some cases the client may be referred to a Transitional House & Social Services to aid ease of
access to the Outpatient Program.

Family program 

Substance use disorder does not only affect the user but impact the whole family. our family programs runs every Saturday from 10am-1pm, participants will have opportunity to interact with family therapists, view informative and educational audiovisuals on addictions and family, and participate in group sessions.


Do you have a parent, brother, sister, relative, partner, friend or colleague who has a problem
with alcohol and/or abusing other substance ? Are you angry, disappointed, confused and
overwhelmed by the problem, and you have tried almost everything possible to help without a
breakthrough? We at Tigoni Place can be of help. Through our Outreach and Intervention
Program, we support and advise families with such affected individuals.


On admission, regardless of outpatient or inpatient program, all clients presenting with
Substance Use Disorder will undergo a full bio - medical examination and psychiatric evaluation
by a medical doctor and/or Psychiatrist, supported by the lead counselor and the psychiatric
nurse on duty to determine their level of addiction/presenting issue, and define the course of
treatment. Clinically Monitored Detox cases will be referred to one of our partner hospitals. Less
serious cases will be managed by the Centre’s psychiatric nurse, working with the consultant


The inpatient/residential treatment program offers an intensive, daily structured program of
rehabilitation. The structure is designed to assist the patient to identify the predisposing and
precipitating factors that present as SUD. Therapy aims to enable the client develop practical
skills to aid maintain sobriety and become a productive and responsible person to him/herself,
the family and society at large. This requires a stay at a facility in a safe, alcohol and drug free
environment (Home Away From Home).

individual Counseling (one on one)

One on one is a continuous therapy session that starts during the second week of treatment up to the end of treatment. It is between a client and their primary counselor 

Screening And Assessment

- Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

- Process and /or behavioral addiction

psychiatric consultation

A comprehensive evaluation of the psychology, biological, medical and social causes of emotional distress is done by our specialists.

School Program for the prevention and treatment of SUD

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